Teaching Abroad

Moving to Honduras: Bravery or Stupidity?

Well despite my total lack of preparation for the job fair I attended, I did indeed land a job working abroad. My new school is the very first one I met with at the fair. The position seemed custom-made for my experience.

I’ll be honest and say that I had a very good feeling about the “interview” if we can call it that. I’m not really sure it was technically an interview… Despite my good feelings, I did “interview” with several other schools located in Mexico. On the low, I only talked to these schools to cover my bases so to speak. One school sort of jokingly offered me a position on the spot due to my experience. I say jokingly because their package wasn’t competitive for someone with my background. I would say my first venture into international teaching job fairs was successful.

(SN: Before attending this event I never considered my resume all that impressive but apparently it is. Who knew?)

little girl shrugging like she doesn't know the answer
Image via Imgflip.com

As I mentioned before I was mostly undecided about which country to which I wanted to move. I just knew that I’d like to be somewhere in Latin America so that I could learn Spanish. Well, the universe delivered and I will be moving to Tegucigalpa, Honduras in July.

Initially, when I shared this news with my friends, they were ecstatic. They know and understand that living abroad has been a longtime dream of mine. I have since shared the news with my current students and various other random people aka my Facebook friends. Many of my students are sad to see me go even though I wouldn’t be teaching them next year. I think they just like the idea that I’d be around. The most common reactions from adults are things like “that’s so brave” or “that’s awesome, I wish I could do something like that.” Of all the things I consider this move to be “brave” was never on my list. Once someone starts asking questions about Honduras (it seems no one knows much) and things like the fact that I speak virtually no Spanish and that Honduras was home to the 2015 Murder Capital of the World my move starts to sound a lot less brave and a whole lot more like stupidity.

I’m not sure if I’m brave or stupid but I will tell you that I am happy and at peace with the idea that I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. What more can you ask for?